Desinformation med kritisk tænkning og kunstig intelligens

A new and sustainable
way to tackle disinformation
TITAN is an AI-powered solution that revolutionises the way individuals learn to identify and stop the spread of disinformation. Designed for students, employees, and volunteers, TITAN uses an innovative, Socratic questioning approach to enhance critical thinking. Through interactive dialogue, users are guided to evaluate disinformation signals and independently determine the truthfulness of content.

Based on Socratic Learning Methodology
TITAN’s questioning technique sharpens users' critical thinking, encouraging them to analyze and evaluate disinformation cues, fostering independent judgment rather than providing direct answers.
Offers Unique Propagation Impact Assessment
Users gain insight into the potential real-world consequences of spreading false information. TITAN assesses the likely impact, illustrating how quickly disinformation can spread and affect online communities.
Co-created & Designed with the Public
Developed through collaboration with real users and tested in multiple countries, TITAN is culturally adaptable and fine-tuned to meet diverse needs and contexts, ensuring a practical and reliable learning experience.
Built on Trust and Ethical
TITAN is designed in alignment with ethical AI and privacy standards, ensuring that user data is protected and interactions remain transparent, fostering trust throughout the learning experience.
By engaging users in critical self-reflection and providing tangible feedback on the spread of disinformation, TITAN empowers individuals to be discerning digital citizens, capable of making informed decisions and curbing the spread of disinformation.If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.
Se hvordan
TITAN coacher folk til at tænke mere kritisk
Seneste indlæg
Hvad er problemet med desinformation?
Desinformation, også kendt som falske nyheder, bedrager bevidst folk og underminerer det europæiske og nationale demokrati
TITAN hjælper dig med at stille spørgsmålstegn ved onlineindhold
TITANs nye co-designede, AI-baserede, Citizen Coaching-tilgang giver folk mulighed for at nå frem til deres egne konklusioner om den faktuelle rigtighed eller pålidelighed af en online-erklæring på en måde, der kan sammenlignes med en erfaren efterforsker. Resultaterne hjælper med at stoppe utilsigtet deling og spredning af falsk eller vildledende information.
Slut dig til os i vores co-design arbejde
TITANs AI-chatagent og -metoder er ved at blive co-designet med en række mennesker med forskellig baggrund i hele Europa med specifikke teststeder i Belgien, Bulgarien, Danmark, Irland, Italien, Litauen, Spanien og Slovakiet. Tre adskilte use cases vil danne grundlag for vores innovationsarbejde, som skubber state-of-the-art i at tackle desinformation til nye niveauer.
For at slutte dig til os bedes du bruge vores kontaktformular og skrive navnet på den pilot, der interesserer dig, i emnelinjen.