Work Packages
TITAN is a 36-month project organized into 6 work packages as per EU Funding & Tenders Online Manual (EU Funding Programs 2021-2027). The work plan has been carefully divided into 6 coherent Work Packages that are focused on specific aspects and have mutual relationships reinforcing its overall potential impact.

WP1: Project Management
Deals with coordination and project management, in terms of communication, time, cost, risk, quality control, legal and ethical aspects.

WP2: Socio-Techno Framework Against Disinformation
Aims to understand the socio-political factors and psychological mechanisms leading to disinformation spreading; establish legal and ethical requirements of AI to tackle disinformation; determine user requirements for a citizen-centered intelligent coaching environment; specify related methodologies and models
WP3: Citizen Co-creation Sessions
Contribute to ethically sound, societally responsible AI to fight disinformation, by developing co-creation design principles for TITAN; developing AI training data sets; and co-creating service prototypes. This WP will provide the logistic support for co-creation across the project .

WP4: TITAN Ecosystem & Platform
WP4 develops the TITAN Citizen Intelligent Coaching Ecosystem Platform defining: services and specs, the Data Model and the platform architecture; AI techniques; datasets to train the AI models; integration of services, applications, and components, in a continuous integration approach.

WP5: Piloting & Evaluation
Ensures the TITAN tools will be tested and used iteratively by the target groups of the 3 use cases through a common methodology and strategic pilot operations plan. The WP assures smooth testing and sustains the engagement of TITAN community members during the pilot stages. Validation methodology evaluates the citizen’s experience of the TITAN solution and identify drivers and barriers for its adoption and use.

WP6: Impact & Sustainable Value Creation
WP6 focuses on communication, dissemination and exploitation strategies. It raises awareness about TITAN’s vision to increase citizen capability to tackle disinformation. Engages end-users and influencers in the activities of the TITAN-AI ecosystem. Shares TITAN results with relevant audience groups through appropriate channels. Defines sustainability models for TITAN’s commercial and non-commercial outputs.